11/18/2020 - We are in the process of redeveloping this site, please check back again soon!
11/18/2020 - We are in the process of redeveloping this site, please check back again soon!
Brown trout, Smallmouth bass, Largemouth bass, Rainbow trout, White perch, Yellow perch, Chain pickerel, Minnows, White sucker, Hornpout (bullhead), Pumpkinseed sunfish, Black crappie, American eel
Area: 486 Acres
Maximum Depth: 27 Feet
Principal fishery: Brown trout, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, chain pickerel, white perch
McGrath Pond is one of the lesser known waters of the Belgrade chain of lakes. It provides fisheries for coldwater and warmwater fishes. Summer access is available through a commercial launch site at the north end of the pond. Winter anglers access the pond via any one of the snowmobile trails that cross the pond. Several state roads from Waterville or Augusta pass near
McGrath Pond.
Water quality in McGrath Pond has been impacted by excess nutrient loading caused by human cultural activity. The nature of the problem as well as steps necessary to improve water quality in the Salmon Lake/McGrath Pond watershed has been described in the 1987 report "The Restoration of Salmon Lake" by John Sowles of the Department of Environmental Protection. The most critical sources of nutrients have been identified and curtailed. It is hoped that McGrath ponds' water quality will show an improvement in the future.
The coldwater fishery at McGrath Pond is based on annual stockings of fall yearling brown trout because the pond lacks sufficient spawning and nursery habitat to maintain a viable brown trout fishery through natural reproduction.
The warmwater fishery is comprised of largemouth and smallmouth bass, chain pickerel, white and yellow perch, hornpout, and a new addition, the black crappie. All are maintained through natural reproduction.
The information above is from the Maine State Website and other sources.